
On the wild shores of Scotland in the early 1800s, Noreen Ridley finds her hopes dashed when her husband is lost at sea. Compelled to go on for the sake of her two little children, she seeks the help of a lonely old shepherd.

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Sixteen-year-old Peter strains his eyes down the mountain. Six painful weeks have passed since his minister father was rudely torn from his life by Anabaptist hunters. How will Peter and his family survive amidst the hardship, betrayal and persecution of sixteenth-century European Anabaptism? Always hunted and ever moving, yet always trusting in God. Amidst the heartache, Peter turns prodigal. Will he turn back to the church of his father, or will he follow the ways of the medieval world?
On his choice hangs his future. Follow Peter’s journey from his Swiss mountain refuge to the German valley of the Palatinate.
(2nd in series)

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Lying in the grass and watching the changing shapes of clouds above her, young Meg wonders where clouds come from. Grandpa tells a whimsical story about the factory and the children who work there to make clouds. Beyond the fantasy, there is a teachable lesson -- children taking responsibility for their actions and working together to accomplish a task. Delightful illustrations for the younger set, easy enough for early readers. Ages 3 - 8.

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Am I too young and my future too promising to become a hunted martyr for Jesus Christ? Is it right that I leave the Catholic Church? Mass? My family? My friends? Can’t I just serve God quietly without being re-baptized? Is it right to read the “forbidden book” in my own language?
The dark bloody battle of the sixteenth-century Reformation rages in the hearts of young Margriete and her closest friend, Grietje. Go with them as they decide if they are willing to pay the cost of the crown.
Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer…be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Revelation 2:10

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With high hopes John Rittenhouses’ parents join the surge of Mennonites into the American frontier. The Master Craftsman carves out young John’s faith and character in this budding wilderness where medical help is scarce and hard work, danger, and Indians are plentiful.
Will John’s sister Meg ever walk without pain? Should they stay on the homestead with warring Indians pouring over the mountains? John worries about his wild red-haired uncle Dan when he joins the army against Grandpa’s wishes. Then Dan is captured by the Indians. Will he ever return? But most importantly, will he repent of his wicked ways and give his heart to Jesus Christ before Grandpa dies?

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Young Mary watches as God uses her loving grandma and a rusty old needle to weave a beautiful patchwork of love, redemption and usefulness.
Illustrated by Lisa Struhbar.

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Johnny Miller grew up in an Old Order Amish family, but he often quipped that he was Out of Order Amish. His early and constant doubts about the Amish faith and lifestyle lead to a desperate choice; but even as he leaves his family and the life he’s known behind, he is not sure whether he’s headed for life and hope or destruction and damnation.

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As a farewell to good friends, Johan and Margaret Blankenburg travel with Karl & Susie to the Rotterdam Port. Here Karl and Susie plan to sail for the land of freedom—America.
Johan and Margaret awaken and rush to the deck. Something is dreadfully wrong. Oh, why did we ever agree to sleep on this ship? How will we cope with the birth of our firstborn in such dangerous circumstances?
Its' the beacon of faith that keeps this young couple on course when the sea of life turns difficult and dangerous. It guides them to the power to forgive their enemies. It’s where their eyes turn when turning is impossible on the Voyage of No Return.

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Johnny Miller is home again, farming the land he loves in a quiet Amish community in Ohio.

But although he’s not physically wandering, he is still wondering. Wondering why he is restless. Wondering why he feels that some piece of his life is not yet in place. Wondering why, when he was medically “dead,” he was met by his wife, who told him his time to enter Heaven had not yet come—he was still needed on earth.

This third and final book of the “The Wanderers” series follows Johnny’s wandering to a place where he finally finds home.

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Elaine Reidel, shocked by her cousin’s whispered secret, pried into her past—and discovered something that shook her life and shattered her future.
But Bibles in the vernacular language did not come without a price, and Elaine and her cousins found themselves facing risks that they never dreamed of. They learned to look past the tangled present into the unseen—into eternity.
Never again would Elaine’s life be calm and predictable, but the words that she learned to treasure still shone clear: that no matter what the circumstances or how high the price, we are His witnesses.

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