Paul Stutzman’s hiking shoes have slogged through Maine’s mud, filled with Mississippi River water, traversed Spain’s plains, and now tread, in awe, some of the same hillsides, shores, and streets where Jesus’ sandals trod.
On a hike through Israel, Paul and his friend Craig visit places that were prominent in the life and ministry of Jesus. Paul is seeking two things: to better know the human Jesus and to find the answer to a question that has puzzled him for years—What does it mean to follow Jesus?
This journey changes Paul’s understanding of many of the stories in the Gospels. He writes his account in hopes that you, too, will find a closer relationship with Jesus of Nazareth as you go with him and Craig to Nazareth, Capernaum, the far country, the gates of hell, the manger in Bethlehem, the Garden Tomb, and the city of Jerusalem.
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Don’t Let Him Go!, No Good for Anything?, Should I Confess?, Walking on Coals, Dilemma in Dutch, I’d Give Up Anything!, and other stories that will encourage the faith of young and old.
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Throughout the Bible, God warns man about the sin of impurity—sexual relations outside the bounds of marriage. Secular and Biblical history testifies that impurity is throughout history—no one has gone unscarred by it.
Keep Yourself Pure is a concise guide to understanding the Biblical view of what our contemporary society calls free love. Charles Hostetter presents thought-provoking chapters like “The Bible Speaks on Purity,” “Who Is Impure?” and “Are You in Love?”
This is an excellent book for couples faced with the question, Should we or shouldn’t we? Keep Yourself Pure is a guide to a happy, spiritual courtship and marriage.
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In response to the hundreds of readers who have asked why Keepers at Home magazine doesn’t publish more than 4 issues a year, we developed the Keeper’sBook™ Series.
Packed with over 40 articles from 36 Keepers at Home readers and writers, Birth & Babies gives readers 64 pages of encouragement, how-to, stories and information—all about birth and babies! Birth & Babies feels, looks, and reads like Keepers at Home magazine, but it’s a book.
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How we care for our elderly and special needs children among us is an indication of our love for Jesus Christ. (“As ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me.”)
The goal in Caregivers is to help us know how to think about our responsibility to the elderly and special children, and to give us lots of how-to and inspiration to do a good job-heartily as unto the Lord.
Caregivers is written by 39 writers who have walked the talk. Be strengthened as you listen to their experiences.
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Packed with stories and information on infertility, miscarriages, stillbirths, adoption, foster care, Keeper’sBook™ Infertility will minister to those who struggle with these life-changing problems.
Infertility is written by 35 writers whose paths are marked by the pain and loneliness of this journey. They know the struggles, the emotions, and the trauma of this path and pray that their work in Infertility will lend new courage to others.
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Helping You Be a Better Steward of the Resources God Has Given You
Packed with inspiration and information that will help you be a better steward of the time, money and talents God has blessed you with. Keeper’sBook™ Penny Wise is the work of 22 authors.
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In an age of easily deleted e-mails and text-messages, a diary provides a permanency to a person's life. A well-kept diary contains interesting facts, personal insights, and fascinating bits of information, while actual handwriting provides familiarity missing in typed copy. As years pass, a diary grows in value, the design and feel of this diary add to that value as well. The diaries are designed with a date at the top of each page. Each day consists of a half page for each year. You are able to quickly and easily express your feeling by making a check mark at the desired option. The ease of tracking the weather and temperatures will be a point of interest as the years go by and you compare from one year to the other. We hope and trust that you will value this diary and the legacy that it leaves.
$19.99 |
Keeping a diary is a wonderful keepsake and will be treasured by future generations, but a shortage of time and a lack of discipline can sometimes result in blank pages. This 3-year diary is a solution to those problems.
It can easily be filled out at the end of the day in minutes. Check the box for how you feel today; fill in today’s weather, projects, highlights/news, and your thought for the day. There are three sections for each day on each page so you can see what you did the year before! Includes a ribbon for easily finding your page.
$24.95 |