Deep in every woman's heart is a longing to truly know God, to walk with Him, and to find purpose and meaning in ordinary moments. In the midst of myriads of motherly, daily duties, Hearing God in Ordinary Days offers practical advice and encouragement.

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Paul Stutzman’s hiking shoes have slogged through Maine’s mud, filled with Mississippi River water, traversed Spain’s plains, and now tread, in awe, some of the same hillsides, shores, and streets where Jesus’ sandals trod.
On a hike through Israel, Paul and his friend Craig visit places that were prominent in the life and ministry of Jesus. Paul is seeking two things: to better know the human Jesus and to find the answer to a question that has puzzled him for years—What does it mean to follow Jesus?
This journey changes Paul’s understanding of many of the stories in the Gospels. He writes his account in hopes that you, too, will find a closer relationship with Jesus of Nazareth as you go with him and Craig to Nazareth, Capernaum, the far country, the gates of hell, the manger in Bethlehem, the Garden Tomb, and the city of Jerusalem.

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Depression, anger, anxiety, relationship problems, discouragement, despair, lusts, desires, expectations and disappointment are a short list of the things that people face in this life. Solomon's Guide To Worship Disorders exposes the underlying cause of these problems. This new, unique reference work provides over 2100 topically cross-referenced excerpts from the book of Proverbs. These are arranged in 13 categories, including Symptoms, Responses, Treatment and Prevention. Emotional problems, mental and personality disorders such as OCD, bipolar disorder and other problems described in the DSM are in reality a result of worship disorders which trace their origin to idolatry.

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The law of sowing and reaping is still in effect. This law may hold the answers to struggles in your life. Because whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. We have the Word of God on it. You can choose to receive blessing or cursing in your life by this law of sowing and reaping. It can be a matter of your choice. Are your words weak and powerless to effect long term change in others? Theres a reason. Theres a solution. The Bible talks about resurrection power that can raise someone from the dead. Have you experienced that power?

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Thousands of years ago, God Himself gave us His very words. First, we received them engraved upon stone by God's own hand. Later, He spoke through His faithful prophets. Originally on sheep skin and later on papyrus scrolls, Jewish scribes meticulously scripted each word.

Today, we have endeavored to preserve an appreciation for those ancient scrolls. These one-of-a-kind Bibles are printed in King James format on 400 feet of tear-proof, parchment-colored substrate, displayed in a finely crafted finger-jointed hardwood housing. Truly precious beyond words, the Holy Scriptures are the essence of life; God's very breath. This extraordinary scroll will bring with it a unique user experience and make a very special gift that will be cherished for generations.

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Woman, how divine your mission!” penned the poet W. R. Wallace, “for the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” But rocking the cradle is not always an easy task, for many mothers find the joy and wonder of a baby’s birth to be offset by weariness, frustration and a lack of time or energy for spiritual nourishment. The Hand that Rocks the Cradle was birthed because of the more complete truth that “the hand that rocks the cradle needs the Hand that rules the world.”
With the arrival of your child, your life has changed forever. You’ve felt its highs and lows. And whether this is your first child or your fifth, you face added adjustments and responsibilities. More than ever, you need the Hand of the One Who rules the world—Jesus Christ.

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Are you a Rose in a Pitcher or a Tulip in a Vase?
Sally Pickard and Brenda Dulmage have created five temperament types and then use a beautiful Vessel to symbolize each temperament.  They also use a lovely Flower to portray each of the seven ways you function.  They then present a pretty, feminine word-picture of a Flower inside a Vessel, which describes the characteristics of who you are, like a Daisy in a Basket or a Dogwood in a Velvet Box.
Their material helps you see yourself as a specific Vessel and Flower and realize how God planned it especially for you. It helps you understand yourself and others in your life.

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In Women at the Cross, Beachy paints a picture of 12 women from the Bible whose lives portray those who live by the cross. She then draws encouragement from each of their lives showing you how to strengthen your own walk with the Lord.

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